Friday 13 November 2009

"Self Portraits"

My Internal Pics

There were so many photos that i wanted to work with for the internal assignment but alas we had to choose 8 then one .
Anyway here are some that I like.

Earth Wind & Fire

After drawing a tree stump on paper with charcoal I had taken a photo then transferred the photo on to the computer and manipulated my tree stump drawing to this digital drawing.

Thursday 12 November 2009

"Bottles Bottles and more Bottles"

I had taken many photos of the bottle display in the Tafe studio but found after working with the bottles and the photos I wasn't happy with the results. I knew I could do better than this.

So I decided to approach the "Bottle" assignment in another way by setting up, at home, a bottle display with a spotlight, coloured cellophane and a few different objects that would give me the effect I was looking for. I am now satisfied with the final results.

" Gemini "

Remember months ago when I was trying to design gift paper? Well I did it, I finally finished.
I love my gift paper called "Gemini" and I'm happy to say that it has already been sold to a loving family

Saturday 23 May 2009

3 D Paper Column Sculpture

I have created a 42cm high 3 D paper column using kent paper, masking tape and scissors(I was meant to use a ruler and Stanley knife, but the design I wanted to do I found scissors would be the best to use) .The idea is to create, out of a flat piece of paper that has no ability to support weight, a 3D design that can hold as much weight as possible. On the 26th of May 09 my 3D paper column sculpture will be tested for strength by stacking bricks, one at a time, on top of the column.
My design might be week in the middle- so I'm not sure how many bricks it will hold.
How many bricks do you think it will hold.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Wrapping Paper

Work in Progress -
Digital Printmaking - The Elements -Negative and Positive space.

I truly enjoy the traditional printmaking procedure, scanning the finished print, then manipulate in Photoshop to produce a digital print - if I have the ok on the design, all I have to do then is decide which coloured print I will use for wrapping paper -

3D Egg Sculpture

" Well wasn't this fun"

-A sculpture thats meant to hold a raw egg and not break when dropped from a certain height-

After weeks of brainstorming and thinking outside the square, or the triangles I was trying to work with, I'm proud to say I have finely completed a

3D Egg Sculpture.

Have I tested the sculpture to see if the egg will break or not -NO

Will I test it to see if the egg will break- HELL NO

We will just have to wait and see if my egg passes the test on the
26th May 2009- 9am.

Friday 27 March 2009

" The Four Seasons "

I am thrilled to display my exhibition "The Four Seasons" in the Digital Windows Art gallery situated in the McCrae street windows at Dandenong Plaza

Our country towns have suffered greatly through fire that destroyed everything in its path. Through my exhibition I want to show the colour and vitality of flowers that will bring hope back to people and places, replacing the ash. The images for my artwork aims to capture the essence of the flower, exploring the smallest elements of the flower (from different seasons) to reveal a beauty that can easily be glanced over or not recognised.

These smallest elements are printed on a large scale forcing the viewer to look with a different sense of perspective.