Saturday 23 May 2009

3 D Paper Column Sculpture

I have created a 42cm high 3 D paper column using kent paper, masking tape and scissors(I was meant to use a ruler and Stanley knife, but the design I wanted to do I found scissors would be the best to use) .The idea is to create, out of a flat piece of paper that has no ability to support weight, a 3D design that can hold as much weight as possible. On the 26th of May 09 my 3D paper column sculpture will be tested for strength by stacking bricks, one at a time, on top of the column.
My design might be week in the middle- so I'm not sure how many bricks it will hold.
How many bricks do you think it will hold.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Wrapping Paper

Work in Progress -
Digital Printmaking - The Elements -Negative and Positive space.

I truly enjoy the traditional printmaking procedure, scanning the finished print, then manipulate in Photoshop to produce a digital print - if I have the ok on the design, all I have to do then is decide which coloured print I will use for wrapping paper -

3D Egg Sculpture

" Well wasn't this fun"

-A sculpture thats meant to hold a raw egg and not break when dropped from a certain height-

After weeks of brainstorming and thinking outside the square, or the triangles I was trying to work with, I'm proud to say I have finely completed a

3D Egg Sculpture.

Have I tested the sculpture to see if the egg will break or not -NO

Will I test it to see if the egg will break- HELL NO

We will just have to wait and see if my egg passes the test on the
26th May 2009- 9am.